Most Common Plumbing Problems And Their Solutions
In the ordinary home, there are a variety of plumbing issues that can arise. Some issues with plumbing are more common than others. Some of the most frequent plumbing issues are also simple to resolve. Plumber Richmond suggests you some of the common plumbing problems and their solutions to fix them. If not you can connect with Plumber Richmond Services to which you may save hundreds of dollars by repairing these common plumbing issues yourself. Low Pressure Water It's usually at the sink faucet that people complain about low water pressure. The first thing to look for is whether the low water pressure affects both hot and cold water. If both the hot and cold water have low pressure, the aerator is most likely to blame. Calcium deposits build up over time in the faucet aerator, lowering the water pressure. A clogged aerator is a simple problem to solve. To clean a faucet aerator, carefully remove it, clean any dirt that has accumulated on it, and replace it. Faucet leakages Dripp...